Das Leben eines Switchbesitzer
31. März 2017
Der Herr der Ringe: Die Gefährten – Live in der LANXESS Arena mit großem Orchester
5. April 2017
Das Leben eines Switchbesitzer
31. März 2017
Der Herr der Ringe: Die Gefährten – Live in der LANXESS Arena mit großem Orchester
5. April 2017

Harte Gamer, weiche Fakten – Interview mit einem Ex-eSportler

In den unendlich Weiten von Xbox Live gibt es immer wieder Spieler, die aus der Masse heraus stechen und große Erfolge feiern dürfen. Personen, die sich von der grauen, tristen Masse abheben und andere als Kanonenfutter nutzen. An heutiger Stelle möchten wir von Pixeltypen mal nicht unsere Meinung darlegen oder Game Previews vorstellen und schon gar nicht selbst einen dieser talentierten Zocker vor die Flinte rennen. Wir möchten euch ein Interview mit einem ehemaligen „Gears of War“ Spieler vorstellen, der wohl zu den talentiertesten und sympathischsten in ganz Europa zählte.

Hey, my name is Jason Watkin previously known as “Kraken”. I’m 23 years old from UK (England) and a former competitive “Gears of War” gamer from 2007 – 2013. I played for big gaming organizations like pX, qG, vVv, apeX, Fariko, Druidz and druSja.

When you start to play competitive?
I first got into competitive gears back in 2007. When a friend introduced me to the page “gamebattles” we won a ladder. Later I was picked up by a team called “ gS” and played competitively ever since.

Why you choose Gears of War?
Chose to play “Gears of War” because it was the game which made me buy an Xbox. It was also my first game I played on Xbox live and I have loved it ever since. I love the fact that each player has their own play style and individual skill makes a big difference

What was one of the greatest experiences you got in your eSport history?
My greatest moment in ”GoW” was when I won my first tournament back in 2007 it wasn’t much but at the time it felt amazing that I had actually won an event.

What you think is the important thing if you play in eSport?
To never give up 100% that is the number one thing. There will be times where you feel disheartened but through hard work, practice and a positive attitude you can go far. It also helps to play a game you love and a team you are happy to spend hours of your life with!

Can you tell us why you stopped playing in eSport?
Well I stopped playing due to work and gym commitments and also because I’m working very hard to become a well known DJ and Producer. I still miss playing in eSports every day though.

Could you imagine playing active again?
I love the thought of playing competitively again. I really do they were some of the best times of my life. However I would find it difficult to find the time to commit anymore to reach the level I was once at.

Seit 1987 dabei. Von SEGA irgendwann bei der PlayStation gelandet. Hin und wieder auch Mal Maus und Tastatur - aber am liebsten doch mit einem Controller in der Hand.

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